Woodruff Scout Reservation
REGISTRATION and PAYMENT DEADLINE: September 17th (Pack Meeting)
COST: $30 per family, regardless of number attending(Checks payable to "Pack 459")
Our fall camping trip will take us back to the beautiful Woodruff Scout Reservation, located in Blairsville, GA.
This is family tent camping.Full-service bathrooms and shower houses arelocated near camp.Campsites have fire rings and running water.Some campsites also have latrines.
Campers may arrive any time after 5:00PM on Friday, September 27th.Depart not later than 11:00AM on Sunday, September 29th.
As always, NO ALCOHOL or FIRE ARMS are permitted.(Tobacco use must be limited to specially designated areas on the camp grounds, and at all times away from Scouts and scout activity areas.)Pocket knives may only be carried andused by Scouts carrying their Whittling Chip.
Dens/Ranks are responsible for planning activities (belt loops, achievements or just plain fun) for Saturday morning and afternoon.(There will not be a single pack-organized event).In addition, Dens should prepare skits and/or songs for the Saturday campfire.
Every Den must identify TWO ADULT VOLUNTEERS to help with the dinner prep and service.A vegetarian option will be provided, for all who indicate a preference on the registration form.