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Pack 459
Medical Forms are required for all pack activities!

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Medical Forms are required for all pack activities!

Posted on Fri, Mar 9, 2012

Scouts, Parents, Siblings and Leaders need to update their forms annually!

Medical forms are required, on an annual basis, to be completed for everyone who wishes to participate in activities with Pack 459. This is especially important for all scouts and leaders, but also includes parents and siblings who may attend Pack meetings, campouts and other Pack-sponsored activities.

When completed, these are only valid for one year, and we refresh our records at the beginning of each new school year. (You should also update your records any time there is a change in your family's medical insurance program, or a change in the health status of any member of your family.)

Save an electronic copy (PDF) of your completed form. Send a copy of the electronic form(s), along with a paper copy of the form(s), to your Den Leader. You will not be able to participate with the Pack unless current forms are on file for ALL family members in attendance.

Use the attached PDF to complete the new Interactive Medical Form. This is a fully interactive version, with the option to use a digital signature to complete the form. 

Be sure to include a copy of your Insurance ID card (front and back) with your completed forms.

Please provide these forms to your Den Leader so he / she can turn them in to the Medical Officer.

   Discussion: Medical Forms are required for all pack activities!

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