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Sat, 6/14 @ 7p - Flicks & Foodtrucks Night
Posted on Fri, Jun 6, 2014
Come join Pack 459 for our second summertime event on Sat, 6/14 @ 7p …. Flicks and Foodtrucks night at Friendship Community Park in Crabapple!
The event starts at 7p and the movie (Back to the Future) start at 9p. Wear your Class B uniform (t-shirts) and be sure to ‘check-in’ w/ Brett or Jamie Holbert to receive credit toward your summertime activity award. Drop by for the food & camaraderie with the pack and stay for the movie if you want.
This activity replaces the initially planned movie night on Sat, 6/21, and this will be the last pack event in Jun. Hope to see everyone there!
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