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Pack 459
Saturday 6/7 @ The Atlanta Silverbacks!
Atlanta Silverbacks
Atlanta Silverbacks
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Saturday 6/7 @ The Atlanta Silverbacks!

Posted on Wed, Jun 4, 2014

See great Soccer, go on the field and meet the players!

Come join us for a night of Professional Soccer!! This is our first event of the Summer.

On Saturday June 7th our hometown Atlanta Silverbacks will be playing the Indy Eleven.

Game time is 7:30 pm.  But if you come early our children will be able to participate in the Team Tunnel ceremony (be there by 6:30 pm). -And stay after the game to go onto the field and meet the players!

The game will be played at Atlanta Silverbacks Park located at 3200 Atlanta Silverbacks Way Atlanta 30340 (@ Spaghetti Junction I-85 & I-285).

To purchase tickets, simply call Malcolm Johnson @ 678-500-9783.  We have been offered a buy one ticket get one free deal for $17.  Tell him you are with Pack 459.

The tickets will be emailed to you.

Wear your Pack 459 t shirts and we will find a section in the stands to sit together.

Hope to see you there!

If you have any questions contact John Phillips @ 770-630-7171 or

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