Scouting for Food :: Collecting Donations at B&G on Sat, 2/27

Posted on Sun, Feb 14, 2016:

Earn 5 raffle tickets for bringing any donation and 5 more for bringing 35 or more items!!

The pack will be collecting food and personal hygiene items in February to help stock the pantry for the food bank of North Fulton Community Charities (NFCC).  All donation will be collected at the Blue & Gold celebration on Sat, 2/27.

Our pack goal is to collect over 2,200 items or 35 items per scout and to have 100% scout participation.  As an added incentive to bring donation to the Blue and Gold celebration, 5 raffle tickets will be given for bringing any donation and an additional 5 raffle tickets will be given for donation 35 or more items!

To help maximize this year’s donation, I’d encourage you to organize a neighborhood collection using the attached documents.  If there are multiple Pack 459 scouts in your neighborhood, please coordinate your efforts to organize a single collection.  I’d recommend asking for donation at least twice (once this week and again next Wed or Thurs) w/ a neighborhood collection on the morning of Sat, 2/27.  Below are some comments re: each attachments.

Please join us in helping this great local charity and making this year’s collection a huge success.  Thanks for your support!  Scouting for Food Pack Coordinator

Rob DeCarlo,, 678-467-8624

©2024, Pack 459