Support Scouting through the Sale of Popcorn!!!

Posted on Mon, Sep 1, 2014:

All Orders are due on October 21st!

It is Time to Finish Strong!!!

ALL POPCORN ORDERS are due on October 21st, 2014. Please bring your door-to-door Tally Sheet and Money to the Pack meeting. Do not include online sales in your tally sheet - we pull those electronically. Please do not bring cash collected but instead write a check to "Pack 459" to cover the cash. Remember that your den must have 100% participation to be eligible to win the Pizza Party for top selling den!


Our Pack 459 annual fundraising effort is in full swing for the fall! 70% of the dollars sold support local scouting in the Atlanta area. Our Pack goal this year is $20,000 which means about $7000 to operate our pack. Each scout has a sales goal of $325.

Here is what you should be doing to support the popcorn sale:

Don't forget to notify Julie Bolton as soon as your scout reaches sales of $600 so they can be entered into the Council drawing!

Sales from all 3 methods will count toward your scout reaching their $325 goal.

©2024, Pack 459