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Popcorn Show-N-Sell #1 and #2 Update
Posted on Thu, Sep 24, 2015
THANK YOU to all of the Cub Scouts and Leaders from Pack 459 that helped sell popcorn at our Show-N-Sell events!
In total, over the 2 Show-N-Sell days, we collected a total of $3,273 in popcorn sales and donations. We couldn't be prouder of our Scouts!!
The total Show-N-Sell sales are down a bit from last year, so we really need all Scouts to continue selling popcorn through Take Orders and Online.
For each Show-N-Sell, credit for $ collected was split among the Scouts, according to how much time they volunteered. If your scout volunteered at a Show-N-Sell, you can see details on how much sales they earned in the attached file.
Congrats to Casyn Cooper who has sold $750.00 so far!! He joins Tanner and Tommy in the $600 Club and has earned an entry to the iPod raffles and an Atlanta Hawks jersey!
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