Popcorn sales following Sunday services
Our chartered organization, Alpharetta First United Methodist Church, has given approval for the Cub Scouts to sell popcorn at the church following the morning church services on Sunday, September 22nd.
We will ask all families who attend AFUMC to be the primary staff to cover these shifts.Scouts and Leadersshould attend in Class A uniforms.We welcome (and will need) help from other scouts/families, too.
Set up is at 8:30AM, and sales will continue until 12:00 or 12:30, after most people have left.
You must register for your shift so we can confirm our coverage.The link to sign up is:www.SignUpGenius.com/go/5080545A5A822A13-2013If you cannot attend for your assigned shift, you may sign up for another shift.
Scouts who participate in the Show 'n Sell will receive popcorn sales credit for an equal portion of sales made during their shift(s).
All Scouts and Leaders must wear CLASS A Uniforms. |