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Pack 459
Spring Recruiting Night - Wednesday, May 8th @ 7PM
May 8 - 7PM
May 8 - 7PM
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Spring Recruiting Night - Wednesday, May 8th @ 7PM

Posted on Mon, Apr 29, 2013

SHE Students: Wear your Class A Shirts to school on May 6!

It's time for our Spring Membership Drive, inviting interested boys in grades K-4 to join Pack 459!

Please think about your friends, neighbors, church friends and school classmates who might be interested in joining Cub Scouts, and encourage them to attend our Spring Recruiting Night at Summit Hill Elementary on Wednesday, May 8th from 7:00PM - 8:00PM in the cafeteria.

  • Pack 459 only recruits at Summit Hill Elementary. However, boys who attend other schools in the area, including those who are home-schooled, are welcome to join us. 

All SUMMIT HILL Pack 459 Cub Scouts should wear your CLASS A uniform shirt (no hats or neckerchiefs) to school on Monday, May 6th.  This is a chance to show your pride in Pack 459, and to help start conversations about why you're in scouting, what you LOVE about it, and inviting people to attend our Recruiting Night on Wednesday.

  • Uniform Day is for Summit Hill Elementary students only. (We do not recruit at other schools)
  • Only wear your Class A SHIRT -- no hat, neckerchief or belt. This is consistent with school rules.

Scouts will be given "BUDDY CARDS" to hand out to anyone interested in joining us. These cards have information about your Spring Recruiting Night on Wednesday. If you don't get these cards from your Den Leader, Mr. Siegel and Mr. Phillips will be in the lobby of Summit Hill on Monday morning. You can get extra cards from them to give out during the day. You can also give these to other friends and neighbors.

Remember, if you invite and encourage a new scout to join Pack 459, you will earn the RECRUITER badge to wear on your uniform!

This year, we especially want to encourage boys in 3rd grade (rising Webelos I scouts) to join us. Make sure that you talk with as many 3rd graders as you can, and encourage them to come join Cub Scouts!

   Discussion: Spring Recruiting Night - Wednesday, May 8th @ 7PM

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