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Pack 459
Cub Scouts Finish "Scouting the Galaxy", Pack 459 is Famous!
Cub Scout Alien Alert System
Cub Scout Alien Alert System
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Cub Scouts Finish "Scouting the Galaxy", Pack 459 is Famous!

Posted on Mon, Jun 10, 2013

Representatives from Pack 459 Participated in the Milton District's Cub Scout Camp

Several representatives from Pack 459 participated in the Milton District’s 20th annual Cub Scout Camp in the first week of June. This year’s theme, “Scouting the Galaxy”, was wholeheartedly embraced by campers and leaders alike as boys from Tigers through Webelos had fun doing many different activities including Archery, Crafts, BBs, Woodworking, Nature, Sports and more, earning rank achievements, electives, belt loops and pins along the way.

A recent article in the Alpharetta-Milton Patch featured 2 videos and several photos. Three representatives from Pack 459 were featured in the photos / videos. Coleman Holbert, a rising Bear, can be seen in one of the photos, taken during their “water conservation” skit. In one of the videos, rising Bear Tommy Leekley and Assistant Cubmaster John Leekley can be seen / heard finishing their skit, the “Cub Scout Alien Attack Alert System”.

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