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Pack 459
Fall Rustic Camping
Watson Mill Bridge
Watson Mill Bridge
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Fall Rustic Camping

Posted on Tue, Sep 9, 2014

Sign up here for Fall Rustic Camping October 24 to 26

The Fall Rustic Camping will be October 24 to 26 at Watson Mill Bridge State Park northeast of Athens, from Alpharetta Watson Mill Park is 85 miles.  We have reserved the three Pioneer Camp Sites for the Pack, however we limited to 70 persons.  We will be giving priority to Webelo Scouts and their families through the Pack meeting,

Meals will be organized on Den / Rank basis with Friday dinner on your own.  Cost will be $10 per family for the Camping plus $5 per car and any food cost for your group.

In addition to your completed medical forms we are required to obtain Activity Consent and Approval Form for each youth participant (see attached link below).

Activities for Scouts will be organized on a Rank basis with an emphasis on Badge Requirements and Belt Loops.  Watson Mill Bridge State Park does offer seven miles of hiking trails and is located on the South Fork River, and has an excellent location for fishing near the covered bridge.

For more information or to sign up contact John Phillips ( or Doug Butler (

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