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Pack 459
Friends of Scouting

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Friends of Scouting

Posted on Mon, Feb 4, 2013

Please help support the BSA with your donation!

"Friends of Scouting" is our annual appeal to raise funds to support the wonderful resources, programs and facilities that we enjoy as Scouts in the Atlanta Area Council.

At our Blue & Gold banquest this year, we heard the amazing story of Craig and Hunter Stansberry -- a Boy Scout from Troop 69 (also chartered by AFUMC) and his dad, and Eagle Scout, who hiked the entire Appalachian Trail this summer -- almost 2,200 miles from Georgia to Maine -- in just 4 1/2 months. They shared their affirmation of how Scouting helped prepare them for this incredible journey, and for all that lies ahead. See their photo journal here:

Funds raised by the "Friends of Scouting" campaign are used for program and field services, camping and activities, and our local Scouting Administration.The average annual budget for the Atlanta Area Council averages out to $240 per Scout. As such, we encourage donations at this "fair share" level.

However, more important than amount of your gift, is the hope that every family will give something -- anything -- to make a strong showing for Pack 459 and our commitment to the future of Scouting, and preparing our boys for life.

You don't even have to give the money today. All we are asking for is your pledge. Payments can be made any time this year, and can be made by cash, check, credit card and stock donations.

A copy of the Friends of Scouting brochure is attached. Please print it off, complete your pledge form, and bring it to our February Pack meeting. Brochures will also be available at the Pack meeting.

Thanks for considering this opportunity to extend your support for the Boy Scouts of America, and our Atlanta Area Council.


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