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Pack 459
New vacuum for MYC

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New vacuum for MYC

Posted on Wed, Dec 12, 2012

Pack 459 presents a new vacuum cleaner to AFUMC

On December 4th, leaders and scouts from Pack 459 presented a new vacuum cleaner to Dr. Tomlinson (Superintendant) and Dr. Martin (Senior Pastor) of Alpharetta First United Methodist Church.

Participating in the presentation were Cubmaster Mike Siegel and Webelos I scout Jack Siegel; Pack Committee Chair Jaime Holbert and Wolf scout Coleman Holbert; and Tiger Den 10 Leader Doug Butler with Tiger scout Taylor Butler and Wolf Scout Clayton Butler.

In presenting the vacuum, we expressed our gratitude to AFUMC for being our charter organization, and for providing us the facilities to hold our Pack meeting and events. We shared our desire to "leave no trace" following our meetings... but the one vacuum in the MYC made it difficult to do a good job. We recognized the need for another vacuum, which we were proud to present as a gift to the Church, and will help them put to good use!


   Discussion: New vacuum for MYC
Pack459 Admin · 12 years, 2 months ago

Mike- I think this is fantastic! It is extremely gracious of the Alpharetta First United Methodist Church to share their "home" with us. We are truly thankful for their support.

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