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Pack 459
Old Soldier's Day Parade

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Old Soldier's Day Parade

Posted on Mon, Jul 29, 2013

Saturday, August 3rd at 10:00AM

Pack 459 will again participate in the City of Alpharetta “Old Soldier’s Day Parade”. All Cub Scouts and Leaders are encouraged to participate in the parade – the only requirement is that you must wear your CLASS A uniforms for the parade. (Family members and siblings are invited to watch the parade, and cheer loudly for Pack 459 as we go by!)

The parade begins in downtown Alpharetta near the courthouse, traveling south on Main Street to Old Milton Road, where the route turns right and heads to Wills Road – at the American Legion Post – where the parade ends. Free Hot dogs and drinks are provided to everyone at the American Legion.

Mr. Cary Brown (co-leader of the Thunderbirds Patrol; Web II Den 1) has arranged a parade trailer for our use, that has benches down the middle facing the sides. This trailer will allow us to have a lot of people on the float, without having to sit on hay bales. We will have our Pack banner, along with the American flag and Pack 459 flag. We will distribute candy along the parade route, too.

MEETING TIME: Our truck and trailer will be in place at 9:30AM. Parade participants should be at the trailer by 10:00AM. The parade begins at 10:30AM, and will conclude at approximately 1:00.

MEETING LOCATION: Our Pack truck and trailer will be positioned in space #45 of the parade lineup. We don’t know EXACTLY where that will be, but it is likely to be along Roswell Street, somewhere between the Corner Deli (at Milton Avenue) and Zaxby’s (at Old Milton Road). Space #1 will be on Milton Avenue near Main Street, across from City Hall. From there, the line will extend back down Milton Avenue, around the corner onto Roswell Street, and then around the corner onto Old Milton Parkway. Worst case, you can just start at Space #1, and walk back 44 more spaces to find us!

TRANSPORTATION: It’s important to note that this is a one-way parade. We begin downtown Alpharetta, and end at the American Legion Post. The trailer cannot transport people back to the starting line after the parade ends (safety regulations – it’s no longer a parade route). Therefore, you are encouraged to work out a carpool system. One family can leave their car at/near the American Legion Post (Wills Park has plenty of parking), and the other family can drive to downtown Alpharetta, parking at the Church or other locations. After the parade, you simply reverse the process. (Or arrange a drop-off and pick-up from a family member who is not participating in the parade).

Participation counts toward the National Summertime Award. It also shows your respect and appreciation for the many men and women who have served our country with pride. Let's make a great showing for Pack 459!

More information from the City of Alpahretta site:


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