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Pack 459
Pack 459 Performs Flag Duty @ Summit Hill

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Pack 459 Performs Flag Duty @ Summit Hill

Posted on Sat, Aug 16, 2014

Demonstrating leadership, pride and duty to country, Scouts from Pack 459 will be performing Flag Duty at Summit Hill Elementary School every morning and afternoon throughout the school year.

Demonstrating leadership, pride and duty to country, Scouts from Pack 459 will be performing Flag Duty at Summit Hill Elementary School every morning and afternoon throughout the school year.

Two to three scout volunteers per week will be asked to participate, starting the year with the WEBELOS and going through the ranks all the way through the Tigers. Den leaders will be looking for volunteers.

Scouts will learn how to raise and lower the flags, correct flag process and positioning, how to correctly fold the flag, leadership skills and more.

  • Flag Raising: Scouts will be asked to meet in the front foyer of the School no later than 7:15 AM to raise the flags.
  • Lowering the Flags: Scouts will be excused a few minutes early to meet in the Foyer to go out and lower and fold the flags.

Scouts will be accompanied by an adult at all times. (We may need some adult volunteers throughout the year).

For more information, please contact John Leekley, Cubmaster, at .

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