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Pack 459
Scouting For Food

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Scouting For Food

Posted on Sat, Jan 20, 2018

A Scout is Helpful

Scouting for Food :: Collecting Donation at B&G on Saturday February 10

The pack will be collecting food to help stock the food bank.  All donation will be collected at the Blue & Gold celebration on Sat, 2/10.


To help maximize this year’s donation, organize a neighborhood collection using the attached documents.  If there are multiple Pack 459 scouts in your neighborhood, please coordinate your efforts to organize a single collection.  Asking for donation at least twice with  a neighborhood collection on the morning of Sat, 2/10. 

  • Neighborhood Flyer:  The attached flyer (2 per page) can be put in mailboxes this week.  If you use this flyer, be sure to add the scout(s) name and phone number.  Also, please observer mailbox regulations (particularly in the Waterside subdivision) to keep the pack for getting in trouble.
  • Neighborhood Email:  The attached email can be sent to a neighborhood distribution list to solicit donations.  If you use this, be sure to add your neighborhood name and ensure the collection date/times work with your schedule.
  • Thank You Note:  The attached thank you note (2 per page) should be given to anyone who donates items at the time of the pick-up.

Please join us in helping this great local charity and making this year’s collection a huge success. 

Thank you for your support!

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