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Volunteer for Flag Duty @ SHE

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Volunteer for Flag Duty @ SHE

Posted on Thu, Aug 21, 2014

3 Scouts (and their parents) per week can volunteer to raise and lower the flags at Summit Hill Elementary!

Each Week, three Scouts (and ideally their Parent(s)) can volunteer for flag duty @ SHE. For the morning flag raisings, we recommend the parent drive their Scout to school that week.

Flag Duty includes:

Morning Flag Raising

  • Arrive and meet in the Lobby @ 7:20 AM
  • Learn how to carry, fold, raise and lower the flags at SHE.
  • Takes about 10 minutes.
  • Scout Leader and / or parent oversight

Afternoon Flag Lowering

  • Students will be allowed to go to the front lobby to meet an adult volunteer to lower the flags. This includes;
  • ~2:15 PM dismissal to front lobby
  • Lower the Flags
  • Fold The Flags (the correct way)
  • School Volunteer Oversight
  • Students will have enough time to make their busses, car pool, etc.

If your Scout would like to participate, please sign up below. Please only volunteer for one week so all Scouts have an opportunity. Thank you-

Click Here to Sign Up.

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