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Pack 459
Back to School Celebration: Sat., August 23, 3-5PM @ St. Aidan’s

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Back to School Celebration: Sat., August 23, 3-5PM @ St. Aidan’s

Posted on Thu, Aug 21, 2014

Come join the fun! Games 2 U, Cub Scout Games and a Pack-wide ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

School is back in session, the Scouting year is officially underway…. Now we need to CELEBRATE! Please join us on Saturday, August 23rd from 3-5PM at Saint Aidan’s Church in the big field for fun, games and more! Scouts, parents and their families are all invited!

Saint Aidan's is located at 13560 Cogburn Rd. in Alpharetta. It is off Cogburn between Hopewell Middle School and King's Ridge. Click Here for a map

Planned Activities include:

  • Booger Wars
  • Hamster Ball
  • Hamster Ball
  • Laser Tag
  • U-Launcher - Dry Launch
  • Frisbee, and more!

Pack 459 & the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

We’ve all heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge by now, and some of us have already participated! The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a social media campaign whose goal is to raise awareness of ALS, and ideally funds for ALS Research and assistance. Hopefully, Pack 459 can do both! Pack 459 was nominated… lets rise to the challenge!

If you are already a registered Scout, please bring:

  • A Water Bottle for each person attending (it will be HOT)
  • Completed Medical forms for each person attending (If you have not already turned these in this year). You can access the medical forms by Clicking Here. Please note: Completed medical forms are required for entry to the event.
  • If you plan to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge;
    • A Bucket
    • A Towel
    • A Check or Cash if you’d like to donate to the Kimberly Kim Foundation. Every person who donates will receive free friendship bracelets!

If you are a new Scouting family, you are welcome to join us as well. In addition to the above, please complete a registration for your Scout(s), and a check(s) for the $85 per Cub Scout registration fee.

See you at the Celebration!

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