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Pack 459
Support Scouting through the Sale of Popcorn!!!
Support Scouting through the Sale of Popcorn!!!

Posted on Mon, Sep 1, 2014

All Orders are due on October 21st!

It is Time to Finish Strong!!!

ALL POPCORN ORDERS are due on October 21st, 2014. Please bring your door-to-door Tally Sheet and Money to the Pack meeting. Do not include online sales in your tally sheet - we pull those electronically. Please do not bring cash collected but instead write a check to "Pack 459" to cover the cash. Remember that your den must have 100% participation to be eligible to win the Pizza Party for top selling den!


Our Pack 459 annual fundraising effort is in full swing for the fall! 70% of the dollars sold support local scouting in the Atlanta area. Our Pack goal this year is $20,000 which means about $7000 to operate our pack. Each scout has a sales goal of $325.

Here is what you should be doing to support the popcorn sale:

  • Online Sales - Reach out to family members and friends near and far to request online sale support. Use this link to access the online system, set up your scout, and email all your family and friends: Start now!
    FYI: Since Trail's End has several hundred councils selling popcorn and each council decides which flavors they want to sell, they can't tailor the on-line products to match what we're selling here in Atlanta. You'll also note that the online prices are different from our Atlanta prices. Online prices are an average price across all Councils.
  • Door-to-Door Sales: Ask your friends, neighbors, and local businesses to support scouting by purchasing popcorn. Record their order on your order form and collect their money to hand in with the order. All checks need to be made out to "Pack 459". Popcorn will be delivered in late November just in time for the holiday season!
  • Show-n-Sell: Show-n-Sell sets a Pack 459 record!
    With 56% of the Pack participating at 2 Show-n-Sell events, Pack 459 set a sales record!  Our super selling scouts sold 189 popcorn items and collected $3831 including over $700 in donations! Way to go Scouts!!! If you worked at Show-n-Sell, please see the attachment to this news article to see the total credit you earned for Show-n-Sell toward your $325 sales goal.

Don't forget to notify Julie Bolton as soon as your scout reaches sales of $600 so they can be entered into the Council drawing!

Sales from all 3 methods will count toward your scout reaching their $325 goal.

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